Loyola college

Loyola College, a Catholic Minority Institution, was founded by the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) in 1925, with the primary objective of providing University Education in a Christian atmosphere for deserving students irrespective of caste and creed. 

It started functioning in July 1925 with just 75 students on the rolls in three undergraduate courses of Mathematics, History and Economics.

Loyola College, though affiliated to University of Madras, became autonomous in July 1978. It is autonomous, in the sense that it is empowered to frame its own course of studies and adopt innovative methods of teaching and evaluation. The University degrees will be conferred on the students passing the examinations conducted by the college.

UGC conferred the status of “College with potential for Excellence” on Loyola College in 2004 and confirmed the same in 2010. 

NAAC's re-accreditation score in 2012 (Third Cycle) is 3.70 out of 4.00 CGPA. 

UGC has elevated Loyola College to the status of “College of Excellence” for the period from April 1, 2014 till March 31, 2019. 

Today, there are 19 P.G courses and 19 U.G courses (Arts, Sciences and Commerce) and 12 special Institutes offering various programs to 12,107 students. 11 departments are offering M.Phil. programs and 12 departments offer Ph.D. programs. At present, 117 teaching staff members out of 286 hold doctoral degree. There are 182 non-teaching staff in service.


The College aims at training young men and women of quality to be leaders in all walks of life, whom we hope will play a vital role in bringing about the desired changes for the betterment of the people of our country, more particularly of the Dalits and other poorer sections of society. 

The aim of the college is to educate young men and women to serve their fellow men and women in justice, truth and love. It fosters an atmosphere of intellectual vigor and moral rectitude in which the youth of our country may find their fulfilment and achieve greatness as eminent men and women of service. 

Loyola College looks at education differently. It consistently and constantly works to help the students evolve into Competent, Committed, Creative and Compassionate men and women for and with others. This is the core of Jesuit Education. This is what has made Loyola climb to the top league of colleges in India.


India Today magazine has repeatedly ranked the Arts, Commerce and Science departments of Loyola College amongst the top 3 in India from 2006 to 2013. Loyola College is also awarded “the Best Men's College in the City on the Employability skills” by PR Syndicate. 

The re-structuring of curriculum of both for UG and PG courses has drawn great appreciation from the stakeholders, namely the students, alumni, parents and industrial partners. Foundation courses and the Outreach programs in Loyola make a difference in the lives of the students making them socially conscious and responsible citizens of the country. 

The system of periodical teacher-evaluation done by the students has also been welcomed. Parents -Teachers meetings are regularly organized in Loyola, which ensure periodical monitoring of the progress of students.

• The central library has a collection of more than 1,02,000 books, 225 journals, 8,087 e-journals and 48,146 e-books.
• The Loyola Digital Library provides 24 hours access to the students.
• Loyola Men's Hostel and Loyola Women's Hostel together have 836 rooms and can accommodate 1650 students.
• Prayer Room
• Loyola Health Centre
• Food Court
• Wi-Fi
• Recreational Center
• Sports Pavilion and Gymnasium


• Campus Ministry
• Student Counselling Centre
• Training and placement Cell
• Centre for Women's Studies
• RCDA Centre for differently-abled students.
• Loyola Students Support Services (LSSS)

Loyola College received SIRO (Scientific Industrial Research Organization) in January, 2011.

The Central Board of Direct Taxes, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India, has recognized the quality of scientific research done in Loyola College by the approval granted to it on 01.04.2011 of tax exemption under clause (ii) sub section 1 of section 35 of the Income Tax Act 1961. This approval enables 175% tax exemption to the donors of Loyola College Society for the purpose of scientific research. 

• Ovations
• Feast of St Ignatius
• Lady of Lourdes
• Corpus Christi
• Christmas
• Pongal
• Deepavali

• Independence Day
• Teachers Day
• Department Festivals
• Placement Day 
• Graduation Day
• Sports Day
• Women's Day
• Enviro-day
• College Day


The coat of arms of the college consists of a shield divided into four quarters with a torch and an open book motif. The crest is the monogram and seal of the Society of Jesus: IHS (iota-eta-sigma), being the first three letters in Greek of the name, JESUS. The crest is in yellow, a colour that represents sunshine, joy and happiness. The laurel leaves above the crest do stand for victory and prosperity. The open book representing obtaining wisdom and other forms of intellectual information and the burning torch symbolising knowledge and searching for enlightenment are the fundamental tenets of the education imparted in this college, which challenges the students to live up to the college motto: LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE (Matthew: 5.16) by their learning and good example so that they may become beacon- lights of hope and liberation to others.



Jesuit Education in the Madurai Province today draws its inspiration from the two epoch making statement :Vision Statement and Preamble to Jesuit Higher Education that originated in the Madurai Province Meet of 1985.

Excerpts From the vision Statement:
The political freedom of our country achieved in 1947 has failed to break the bondage of our people over the years. Today about 60% of our people have been made poor and kept illiterate. They are deprived of the basic necessities of life and education, of human dignity and the power to decide their own future. There is a degrading inequality caused primarily by caste discrimination...... We understand that the contemporary equivalent of the mission of salvation is the integral liberation of man...which is crystallised for us today in an ardent desire to work TOWARDS LIBERATION - TOGETHER WITH THE POOR. The preferential option for the poor means that we cast our lot with them through concerted social action. Our love is, indeed for all human beings, but assumes different forms. We love the oppressed by espousing their cause and we love the oppressor by emancipating him from his greed and domination which dehumanize him.

Excerpts from the Preamble to Higher Education
Our educational institutions will shape our students into agents of social change, preparing them for concerted social action and thus paving the way to mass movements which will bring about the desired liberation. They will, in their admission policies actualize our preferential option for the poor, by "giving a privileged place to the weak" who are poor, economically and academically and form them "as men for others, stamped with the Ignatian hallmark of excellence and relevance" ; they will challenge the existing educational system into reorienting itself in order to respond to the crying needs of today's society. They will also promote research in those branches of arts, sciences and relevant pedagogy which would help build a just social order. Aware as we are of the great structural constraints we work under, we have real apprehensions as to how effective our educational institutions could be in bringing about the desired social change through social action. Yet, responding to the greater call to be pioneers and prophets, we engage ourselves in the momentous task of liberation with a readiness to pay the price the kingdom demands. 

Towards Communion with Mother Earth in Human Solidarity 
(Excerpts from the Statement of the Jesuit Madurai province assembly held at St. Joseph's College, Tiruchirapalli on 27-28 December 2008) 
We stand at a critical moment of Earth's history and we perceive more clearly than ever before that Mother Earth is groaning under the impact of environmental degradation. We also note with grave concern that Mother India is being subjected to the onslaught of communalism. The cry from the wounded Mother Earth caused by the unprecedented environmental destruction through depletion of natural resources, desertification, global warming, pollution and widespread displacement of people caused by ill-conceived developmental initiatives is echoed across the universe (GC35 D3/33). In fact, the very survival of the earth community is being endangered. This calls for urgent intervention with effective advocacy to restore the environment as the sacramental site of salvation. In today's global context of growing fundamentalist ideologies based on religion, the secular and pluralistic image of our own country is being tarnished with ever increasing virulence. We need to counter this. We should not be mute and passive spectators to the violation of human rights in our country but act as a protest force raising our voices unitedly against such inhuman acts. In this context, we pledge to promote the culture of dialogue and reconciliation across various sections of our country appreciating pluralism. We hope thus to build a harmonious and equitable society which upholds the inalienable human rights and dignity of all. We acknowledge humbly that our response so far to the ecological disaster and the onslaught of fundamentalism has been minimal and uncoordinated. We are grateful to all people who, with their enduring search for human dignity, permit us to accompany them in this historical striving for eco-restoration and human solidarity.

The primary aim of the College is to provide University education in a Christian atmosphere to deserving students, especially those belonging to the Catholic Christian Community. Although this college is meant primarily for Catholics, it does admit other students irrespective of their caste and creed. The college aims at training young men and women of quality to be leaders in all walks of life and serve their fellowmen with justice, truth and love. It is expected that this training would play a vital role in bringing about the desired change for the betterment of the people of our country, more particularly the poorer and marginalized sections of the society and especially dalits. Further, it will foster an atmosphere of intellectual vigour and moral rectitude in which the young men and women of our country may find their fulfillment and achieve greatness as eminent men and women for others.


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